An embodied and creative journey for men*

A 4 days event for men combining embodiment work (predominantly Social Presencing Theater), poetry and other creative tools for expression to explore the journey of integrating the divine feminine and masculine into the fullness of being human.


This event is open for all men who wish to experience in an all mens group this journey for embodied poetry. No prior knowledge or experience is needed – just curiosity and readiness to be surprised by what happens when the mind moves into the background.

* We invite all who identify with the gender of men.

This event is especially for you if …

… you wish to expand your creative ways of expressing yourself.

… you want to tap into the wisdom of the body.

… you are curious what is behind embodied poetry.

… you want to become more confident as a man expressing your masculinity just as much as your feminine qualities.

… you would like to experience the energy of an all men group searching for the poetry of the body.

About the team

Manish Srivastava

Manish Srivastava lives in India, but his work as a coach, facilitator, and artist takes him around the world. “My home is in India, but wherever a group of people is gathering to heal the societal wounds, to have authentic and deep conversations… that feels like home too. Every such circle, whether it is in the south or east or west or north… feels like home.” (This one as other quotes here are taken from an article about Manish by

As member of the International teachers team of Social Presencing Theater (SPT) Manish is part of the core team of the Presencing Institute collaborating closely with Arawana Hayashi. He remembers: “SPT gave new life to my poetry. That was beauty. I started practicing SPT with what I now call “Embodied Poetry”. For there is a poem in our body, which is a direct perception of reality. And as we tune in, and give it a shape and language, it is able to say much more than what was said in words.”

Near the end of 2019, Manish blessed us with a work of prose and poetry entitled Trading Armour for a Flower: Rise of New Masculine. Living in “a highly patriarchal world,” Manish began inquiring into his own experience of gender roles and expressed this in poetry.

The Divine Feminine and Masculine Integrated into the Fullness of Being Human

Manish, alongwith his wife Sonali, hosted 10 poetic dialogue circles across India to help men and women imagine a future where masculine and feminine energies are integrated into the fullness of being human. Collectively they envisioned “a world where we have reverence for the divine feminine, love for the earth and dignity for women. Where we honour for the feminine within man, his longing to care, to belong, and to accept the other as it is.”

And, at the same time, we “honour the divine masculine within us, which means that we take a stand against societal divides. We create new institutions and structures which care for wellbeing of all.” And when we integrate the divine masculine and the divine feminine, “we have spontaneous beauty, grace & power.”

Peter Hofmann

Peter has been trained as a Social Presencing Theater (SPT) facilitator by Manish together with Arawana Hayashi. Since then Peter brings SPT to various contexts and leads together with two colleagues since more than 5 years a SPT practice group here in Vienna. Additionally Peter engages with other embodiment approaches such as Leadership Embodiment and Authentic Movement. Since 2022 Peter is engaged in a program for men called “Men Return“. This program offers dialogue spaces online and offline to support men finding their path towards an expression of masculinity that combines tenderness and vulnerability with strength and clarity. Out of this initiative Peter created the idea to invite Manish for such an event.


When: 4 (3pm) – 7 December (6pm) 2024

Place: Vienna

Costs: Super Early Bird Fee: EUR 360 (Registration and payment until 30/06/2024); Early Bird Fee (Registration and payment until 30/09/2024): EUR 480; Fee from 01/10/2024 onwards is EUR 540; please get in touch with us if this amount makes it difficult for you to participate – we can offer some places for a reduced price. And we are happy if you would like to support men who can pay less currently by paying even more!

Registration here.