a course for parents and professionals
online from 12 September to 14 November 2024

With the intention to make a change in your parenting and to navigate the UPS and DOWNS of family life with more clarity about what is going on, with compassion for yourself and other family members, and with enhanced value for the already existing beautiful moments.
The Mindful Compassionate Parenting 10 weeks course was designed by Jörg Mangold, a German psychiatrist who specializes in therapy for children, adolescents, and parents; Jörg is also a mindfulness teacher and father of four.
Mindfulness Compassionate Parenting (MCP®) – devised in 2017 and inspired by various Mindfulness protocols (MBSR, MSC, MBCT, MBCL, PNT, MP) – is, a protocol that helps parents in meeting their own needs and those of their children with love and kindness while navigating the challenges of daily family life.
Mindful Compassionate Parenting is a certified mindfulness and self-compassion course for parents, aiming to improve stress management in daily family life by taking care of themselves with love and awareness.
There will be 10 session lasting 2 hours each, co-lead by Paola Bortini & Peter Hofmann, starting from the 12th September 2024 at 14:30.
Each session is a combination of meditation, exercises, reflection, discussion, short input and small informal practices to be included in the daily routine to support a more serene relationship with your ideal of parenting, yourself, your partner and your children.
Course contents
The 10 sessions of the MCP course address parenting topics from the perspectives of Mindfulness, self-compassion and positive psychology in an experiential and theoretical manner.
The core themes are:
- The functioning of our brain in alarm mode and in stressful situations and initial countermeasures.
- The evolution of stress, the 3 systems of emotional regulation and motivation; mindfulness as an antidote
- Stress in our modern lifestyle and the optimization trap for parents
- Learning to use self-compassion for coping with stress and for becoming a good friend to oneself
- Self-criticism and change
- The 4 key attitudes for cultivating serenity instead of stress and anger
- Cultivating a positive perspective to build resources and enrich the 3 emotional regulation systems with experiences of safety, contentment and connection
- The management of stress in conflict situations and reconciliation
- Interpersonal stress management: perceiving boundaries and setting limits with friendly clarity
- Cultivating resilience and well-being
Costs and registration
The participation cost is 250 euros per person and 400 euros for couples.
To enrol you need to fill in a form with specific information about your family/profession as well as your motivation to attend.