A European project to bring Mindfulness to parents across Europe
Mindful Compassionate Parenting (MCP) originates from the experience and expertise of Jörg Mangold as a child psychiatrist and mindfulness teacher. The MCP protocol was developed in 2017 and since then has trained approximately 175 German-speaking teachers and reached over 1.250 German-speaking parents.
This European project, taking place between January 2022 and June 2023, aimed to make “Mindful Compassionate Parenting” (MCP) available to more parents in Europe, building on the accumulated experience and adapting it to different cultural contexts. Seminars and the training of MCP teachers, certified professionals who can promote and deliver the 10-week basic course for parents, were crucial in reaching parents.
The training of the first group of teachers was conducted in English and laid the foundation for the creation of a European network of professionals working with Mindful Compassionate Parenting. The partners implemented the professional training program and developed accompanying resources to support their learning and development process, as well as a series of resources directed at parents.
Implemented activities
Two orientation seminars
Each lasting three days. These seminars aimed to introduce the philosophy and practice of MCP. They were delivered in English, online, to facilitate participation from a wider audience, removing the barrier of travel. In total, 3 professionals from the partner countries and 20 professionals from non-partner countries (Belgium, Croatia, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom) participated.
A 10-session course
Aimed at parents and professionals. This course aimed to introduce the philosophy and, most importantly, the practice of MCP over the course of 10 weeks, with the opportunity for direct application in participants’ own family contexts. It was delivered in Italian, online, to facilitate participation from a wider audience, removing the barrier of travel. In total, 8 participants, including parents and professionals from Italy, France, and Belgium, took part.
A 6-days teacher training
A prerequisite for participation was attending an orientation seminar or a 10-week MCP course. The training was delivered online in English to facilitate participation from a wider audience, removing the barrier of travel. In total, 3 professionals from partner countries and 17 professionals from non-partner countries (Belgium, Croatia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom) participated.
Available resources
You can find these resources on the pages of the MCP website and on the partner project websites. Here, you can easily access them all together.
A teacher Guide
A manual for teaching MCP, complete with all the attachments needed to deliver the MCP course to parents. This manual is intended for and available only to those who have completed the MCP teacher training to ensure that the content is delivered in the spirit and fidelity of the program’s objectives. It is currently available in German, English, and Italian. If you are interested, please check the dates of the upcoming MCP teacher training courses.
A handbook for parents
A guide for parents that presents the key concepts and practical exercises covered in the 10-week MCP course. Its goal is to provide an overview of the content and give a taste of what the course entails. It is available for free in English, German, and Italian.
A concept for a MCP network
A concept for creating a network of MCP teachers in Europe, based on the project’s experience and capitalizing on the experiences of MCP teachers trained in November 2022, who become the backbone for an organic expansion aimed at creating a culture of parental care in Europe. This document is useful for understanding the steps to become part of this European network.
A paper about how to deliver MCP to hard to reach parents
A concept for reaching parents who are typically excluded from training activities, known as “hard-to-reach parents.” It has been developed based on the project’s accumulated experience and serves as a resource for new teachers who want to offer courses to parents in their own contexts. It provides strategies to facilitate the participation of these parents in personal development activities through the MCP program.
A podcast channel
A podcast channel on Spotify where MCP trainers discuss central themes related to parenting and how the MCP approach can help alleviate stress and foster a more serene relationship with children. The podcasts are available in English.
A YouTube Channel
A YouTube channel where you will find two videos in English (with subtitles available) that provide an overview of Mindful Compassionate Parenting and delve into the details of the program. There are also two mini videos in Italian, one for parents and one for professionals, discussing the benefits of Mindful Compassionate Parenting.
The main meditations from the Mindful Compassionate Parenting course in English, German, and Italian are available to everyone. They offer an opportunity for those who have already taken the course to continue their regular practice, and for those who have not yet participated in the course, they serve as an introduction to meditation. They are available in English, Italian, and German.
Articles and further reading
Two articles have been published on EPALE and LinkedIn in English, one article in Italian on the official platform for Italian-speaking mindful self-compassion teachers, and two articles in German on other platforms to address different needs and reach both parents and professionals.
Who benefited from this project, and how to join
The project was open to parents, but especially to professionals who already teach Mindfulness, work in the field of parenting from an educational or therapeutic perspective, or provide support programs for parents (including family policy). Several communities of belonging have been created in English, German, and Italian on social media platforms to offer parenting insights through posts and address the diverse needs of parents and professionals. These communities are growing, and you are welcome to join! Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn and subscribe to our Newsletter.
Partners of MCP goes Europe
WeMind (Germany), LIMINA (Austria), Casa del Cucolo (Italy) and Leitrim Child Care Committee (Ireland)
Where can I learn more about the project

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.