‘Exploring and experiencing the value of mindfulness and self-compassion in youth work, out-of-school education and youth welfare’ . A seminar for Youth workers and Social Workers (Social Pedagogues) having a continuous relationship with young people. From 22 – 28 April 2025 in Hungary.

Mindfulness, self-care and compassion are of particular value to anyone working with children and young people and therefore also caring for their development. They offer an effective antidote to stress, empathy fatigue, insecurity and the pressure to optimise. 

This 5-days course offers training in mindfulness, self-care and self-compassion specifically for youth and social workers (volunteer or paid staff) ) having a continuous professional relationship with young people. It is based on the approach “Mindful Compassionate Education” (MCE) from the child and youth psychiatrist Jörg Mangold.

The approach combines neuroscientific and evolutionary psychological principles of stress management and resilience, mindfulness and self-compassion as well as essential aspects of relationships and communication in these specific professional realities. The course is experience-orientated and offers ample opportunities to learn and deepen a new attitude regarding our relationship with the work-related challenges. The content and applications of MCE are geared towards everyday life with children and young people, for example in dealing with demands and efforts in relationship work, with conflicts and boundaries, but also with cultivating positivity, joy and self-friendliness. 

‘MCE will not smooth out the rapids and shallows of your work with children and young people, but it helps you to steer our professional boat with presence, more composure and self-friendliness.’ Jörg Mangold

Ideally the course leaves you with skills and small practices to integrate this piece of wisdom into your (working) life:

“May I have the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,

the courage to change the things that should be changed,

and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.”

Target Group

Youth workers and Social Workers (Social Pedagogues) – be it voluntary or paid – having a continuous relationship with young people

Professionals working eg in Youth Centers, Foster Homes, youth welfare structures, out-of-school education programs and initiatives….

This course is for you…

… when you find yourself regularly (emotionally) exhausted at the end of the working day.

… when you find it difficult to distance yourself from work or from individual stories of the young people you are working with.

…when you find it increasingly difficult to empathize with the young people. 

… when you find yourself repeatedly being overly self-critical about your work performance.

… when you feel like being in a hamster wheel (doing a lot with little result).

This course is designed as a personal capacity building. The methods used in the course are for your own personal use and not considered to be brought into the direct work with young people. 


Thanks to the funding of this course through the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union the participation fee will be very small!

Info-Pack and Registration
