
Author Archives: Paola Bortini

Allgemein, Facilitation and Training, Mindfulness / Achtsamkeit, Offers / Angebote,

From Ego- to Eco-awareness – Social Presencing Theater deepening workshop with Arawana Hayashi

16 October 2020 An international experiential encounter to explore transformational shift processes from “Ego- to Eco-Awareness” – in the understanding of Theory U. With Arawana Hayashi, in Vienna (Austria) 14-15 January 2021... Weiterlesen...


3 July 2020 Alcune informazioni pratiche 1. Prepararsi al collegamento Il collegamento online sarà effettuato tramite Zoom. Se ancora non hai un account Zoom, puoi facilmente crearlo dopo aver scaricato l’app sul tuo telefonino e sul tuo computer... Weiterlesen...
Peter Hofmann Paola Bortini